Mikron Woodworking Machinery Inc.

Elliptical / Arch Forming Rack Machine

R200 Rosette Maker

M645 Multi-Moulder

M652R Multi-Moulder & Router


New Mikron Website Launched

On April 13th, 2015 Mikron Woodworking Machinery Inc. launched their new website!

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MIKRON Receives WMIA Partner of the Year Award!
Lynn Arbuthnot and Jeremie Paulin are receiving the WMIA Partner of the Year Award from Mike Mendenhall, President of California Woodworking Machinery.

Mikron Wins Award, Gives Award Turn-about is fair play for Mikron Woodworking Machinery Inc. of Renfrew, ON.
The WMIA Partner Award was presented to Mikron during the Wood Industry Conference held in St. Petersburg, FL. The award recognizes Mikron's achievements in partnering with its North American distributors.

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